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He came bouncing into the room with his usual jaunty swagger as always..., and the sheer force of his personality and his Italian Stallion persona usually ALMOST ALWAYS puts me off, but I love the fuck out of him and have known him just forever, so...

Over he came and plopped down next to me in the chair I was in, which is ALMOST BUT NOT QUITE built for two. Good thing we are both svelte as in rail-thin. Especially me.

"Hey sweetheart," he grinned toothily...blindingly white too...and now that we were as one in the chair at least from the boobs down...and another time I could have maybe really gotten into it, but no not tonight.

"What's up baby? C'mon talk to me. Please."
He looked suddenly so pathetic, but I was determined to suffer in silence, or in drunk mode...or something.

"Hey, hunkystuff," I countered  trying to sound as noncommittal and jaunty as he, and I am sure failing miserably, and then I burped and hiccupped simultaneously and consequently removed ALL DOUBT that I have any sober cells in my entire body.

You oughta see me when I get DRUNK.
He damn near giggled as I drained my snifter for the 70,652nd time since lunch.

"C'mon beautiful. Tell me what is wrong?"

Ok, he just called me sweetheart and beautiful within 5 minutes. Which is a definite step up compared to what he usually calls me...BUT...

This should have been a clear warning sign that I was in for it, but since by now I was really too far gone to give a shit...

"My goldfish died and I am not taking it well. He drowned by the way. Disconsolate he was. One of the Angel fish put the make on him and he got all flustered and..."

I swear he snorted. Derisively too, I might add. Hey I thought that was pretty good considering I am drunk on my ass and morose OR morass, and MORE ASS waiter, and...

Then I grinned one of my award-winning mischievious grins...
and got up to go and freshen my drink as if I needed to.

"C'mon. I will worm it out of you eventually and we both know it, he offered to my receding back as I walked across to the bar."

My drink freshened, Jake grinned as I got back in the chair and damn near on his lap. Tempting thought, considering...

"Promise? That worm thing sounds...almost sinful."
"You KNOW how I am with worms...and you know how I hate fishing, but there is that bait thing."

Again the snort.
"Definitely. Ok, c'mon. Tell me what is wrong. I'm not kidding. This isn't like you."

"How would you know.  ONLY those who have gotten, shall we say INTIMATE and stuff with me would know that...and SO FAR..."

"Don't tempt me."

Well, this so far is going  really well...sorta like having ones brakes fail RIGHT AT the top of the cliff. EEEK!

He turned to me, kinda, (cramped quarters and all).
"Ok, if I make a drink?"
"You have to ask?"
"Ok, baby, thanks," and with that he got up and went over to the bar in the corner where he proceeded to make himself a boffo of a drink as I watched. He would look over at me and grin his signature grin and I tried to grin back and then he sauntered back and oozed back into the chair beside me, or rather damn near on top of me. LOL.

He took a swig of his drink, I did of mine, and then...silence.

So much quiet it felt almost painful. Too much quiet.

Suddenly I became aware of his leg against mine. Really hard against mine, and...I was afaid that was not the only thing that was gonna be hard and soon.

"Talk to me."
"About what?"
'What is going on with you? Why are you acting like this? This is just so not like you."
"I repeat...."
"C'mon. I am worried about you."
"What do you mean, why? I love you goofus."
"No you don't."
"Of course I do and you know it."
"Maybe you like me but you don't love me. Besides I am just having a hard time dealing with all the shit."
"Your mom?"
"Among other things, yes."
"And Ricky?"

That brought a stabbing pain to my solar plexus and a catch in my throat, and I took a belt from my glass, trying to stop myself from crying again."

Jake turned as much as he could, put his arms around me, and got me in a huge hug with his head in my neck. Any other time I...

"I am SO FUCKING SORRY about all of it, baby. Wish I could make it go away."
"Me too."
"But we gotta talk about it. Get it out, yah know? You can't keep it all bottled up. I'm here sweetheart. Always will be. ALWAYS, yah know?

"It just doesn't make sense Jake. It DOESN'T.  Ricky, I mean. Mother okay. Don't like it but it is what it is or was and oh well I guess but Ricky?  No.

I can't explain it but it just doesn't feel right.. You know? Something...something."
"What? You think there was more to it?"
"Yeh I am dead sorry poor choice of words but yes. I am sure of it, but I can't prove it."
"Then let's prove it. You and me. One way or the other.  Get to the truth, no matter what it is."

I pulled back a little, not easy since we were almost one person and glued together, lol, and looked at him. Hard. I looked into his eyes and I could see he meant it. Suddenly I felt a bit better.

"You'll help me?"
"I am here for you and I always will be baby. We've known each other a long time. When have I not been here for you?"
"Ok," and I knew I was done drinking for tonight anyway.

"We need a plan."
and we did.



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